Big Brother Australia's Emma Cornell from Big Brother 2007 / BB07 series, as the new 2008 Series draws closer in Australia we are looking back into previous years and the stunning babes that Australia has un-covered.
Youtube was lacking Emma videos so we have uploaded a few, we shall see how long they last before they get deleted - maybe that's why there is just a few available for watching.
Anyways let's hope that the Australian Television dick heads ease up on the restrictions and show some tits and ass this year, last year the babes were boring and kept their clothes on - DoH! - let's hopoe we get some babes showing some skin, instead of the dreamers that think there's a career after Big Brother.
There's only one path to stardome for the hotties and that's extremely obvious :
Get your tits out.
Show some pussy.
Have a shag in the house.
Create a sex tape - before the show or after.
It's that freaking simple, wanna get famous from Big Brother - show us something worth promoting online and we as webmasters and fans will help you achieve stardome.
Emma Cornell Zoo Video 3 (<< Click)

Emma Cornell Bikini Video 2 (<<< Click)

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