Click here > Imogen Thomas Sex Tape Video <Arguably the biggest and widely known sex tape to surface from Big Brother is Imogen Thomas sex tape .... she wasn't stunning and she aint super model material .... nor was the sex that good - but fook me .... she made a sex tape. This may be lesson one : if you don't have the balls to
root in the house then do it before you enter or after you leave the house, then get a great mate to
upload the farking thing .... simple steps to being remembered "Make a sex tape" .... imagine if
Krystal Forscutt made a sex tape or Emma Cornell made a sex tape - they'd be a massive success .... am I wrong ?
Click to view > Big Brother Sex in Bed Video <Sex in Big Brother House equals legendary status, OK .... do you here me ? Whilst 100% of Aussies go into the house expecting careers in TV, on Radio, Music Careers, Modelling contracts and they all go in on their best behaviour - winging but Mum and Dad are watching and I want to make them proud .... well wake the fark up .... you're not going to be famous and once you leave the house that's it and no-one will give a fat rats arse about you .... unless you get ya tits out and have a bloody root .... bust a farkin nut in the house and you will be a freaking legend ....
Click for Video > Big Brother Sex in Bathroom Video <Now look above and tell me what you see ... if you said a couple of Big Brother House mates shagging in the bathrom - then you are 100% correct .... now they're legends and a part of viewing history, this clip alone has been watched and downloaded more than the whole season of Big Brother in Australia (more than the series Big Brother has been watched in Australia - yes probably more than every show combined) .... Aussies take note - it's all about the sex.
Sex on Big Brother = Stardome + Never forgotten

Now look at the image above .... you see that ? now that's a video of a couple shagging in the Big Brother House, in the toilets, now that's Bloody quality viewing OK? ....
Click here > Big Brother Sex in Toilets Video <Another year and another season of Big Brother in Australia, well it is coming soon, after we purchased several subscriptions last year in Australia - we must say it was a waste of dollars and time spent trying to rip videos.
Last season we were appalled as the live streaming was heavily moderated and edited, which meant no nudity and consistent swearring was beeped out or even worse we would be witness to the boring ad's and "streaming is currently down message".
We had various moments of gold footage or what should have been gold, for example Susannah and Emma shaving their pussies in the showew and even bikini showers being banned and not shown - yet if that poof had his wanger out we'd be shown the full snag .... go figure .... ghey camera men perhaps ?
Needless to say we wont bother wasting band width or subscription fees this year ....
Any how here are some of the real Big Brother Videos from Countries that believe sex should be shown on television and shared with the masses and oh YES the house mates don't give a rats arse who is watching - They will shag and create sex tapes .... that's what we are talking about ....
Aussies learn from this footage OK .... or be forgotten we you leave the fuggen house .... have sex and bare all and you will be a legend online ....
So Aussies wake up and smell the fookin coffee .... you boring gits !!