Friday, August 15, 2008

Bigfoot Press Conference

Bigfoot Press Conference ? anyone found it yet ? Well the likely hood of you finding a real conference is slim, you may just find a few ass holes laughing and making a mockery of the believers or even mocking the stir that they created ! The Bigfoot Press Conference was supposed to be launched yesterday / today depeding on where you live.

It has been confirmed that the BigFoot found and BigFoot body was and is a hoax, well orchestrated by the notorious hoaxer Carmine Thomas Biscard after he heard wind of the story and he helped it gather more media attention.

Georgia Gorilla: Bigfoot Trackers Say They’ve Got a Body IS A Hoax…

Bigfoot Trackers Say They've Got a Body IS A HOAX! (Read Info)

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General

Here are two of the YouTube videos put out by the two Georgia boys who started this hoax. In the first video the lying sheriff deputy, Matthew Gary Whitton, goes to the airport to meet a “scientist” who he claims has come to Georgia to examine the “body.”

Bigfoot Tracker - Video 8

Bigfoot Tracker - Video 8

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General

Original version of Bigfoot Tracker, Video 8. This video was pulled from I am anticipating that RDYER678 will remove the video from his YouTube channel.

Various people figured out that the “scientist” was actually the deputy’s own brother, Martin Whitton.


In the second YouTube video the sheriff deputy admits to the hoax …

Bigfoot Tracker - Admission of Hoax

Bigfoot Tracker - Admission of Hoax

Playlist: Random Video and Webmaster Videos Category: General

This is RDYER678’s follow-up to the video purporting that a Dr. Paul Van Buren (who was in actuality Matthew Whitton’s brother, Martin) had studied a sasquatch corpse.

… but then continues to lie about having a “bigfoot body”.

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